Saturday, October 1, 2022

2022 Chardonnay: day 8


  • Brix 3.5
  • Juice temp 72, room temp 71, outdoors 54 and raining

Small as the numbers are, 16% of the sugar that was there at last night's reading have been converted.  
Sound and sight are the same as last evening.
The juice temp is within a degree of the ambient room temp.  At the hottest point in the fermentation it was 6 degrees warmer than the room.

Probably today's the day to clean the carboys.  The last time we had this quantity of white juice (Muscat C) we went into 4 5-gallon carboys, and one 3-gallon.  Will prepare five 5's, a 3, and a jug or two.

Interlude:  Cleaned five 5-gallon carboys and one 3-gal.  Will clean them again with meta when rack into them.
Also sorted through stoppers and bubblers, and whatnot, gave them a little scrub, and set them into meta to soak.  It's a little goofy to see all the types of stoppers we've used through the years.  I'm not a fan of the two bubble airlock any more and much prefer the three piece.  I always worry about rubber stoppers popping our, so I've wound up with a few theoretically breathable silicon thingies, and lots of those orange two-spout carboy caps (which I don't trust, either).  It's a hard life.

  • Brix 2.6
  • Juice 72 F, room 73 F, outside 60 F and overcast.
42% of the available sugars were eaten by the surviving yeast since last evening.  Only day 5 really compared.  Still, it doesn't seem like we'll get to zero tomorrow.  Maybe Monday (day 10).  Or maybe we just go a little early into the smaller vessels.  Same considerations every year.

Tasted the juice: would have more quickly guessed it was hard cider than that it was becoming wine.  Color may have influenced taste - it's that custardy thick yellow the whites always have at this point in the process.  Whatever the reason, it tasted good.  

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