Friday, October 21, 2022

2022 Chardonnay: day 28


More MLF testing and general observations.

The Accuvin chromatography test reads (to my not completely trustworthy eye) somewhere between 75  mg/L and the 110 mg/L from four days ago.  Tough to pin down, because while the color looks right to me, it's much more opaque on the test strip than on the dot-printed color key.  (If winemaker Fabricant were  here he wouldn't be fooled.)

For a tad more detail, this Accuvin doc suggests that we're not complete, but are approaching the empty range between not complete (>75 mg/L) and complete (<35 ml/L).  I guess that what lies between the two numbers is opinion.

Closer to still, fewer rising bubbles of gas.  Not clear but the color continues to shift that way.  Took some pics and will try to put together some comparisons for posting later in the day.

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