Sunday, October 30, 2022

2022 Chardonnay: day 37


Well, we did rack yesterday, and only lost a couple of liters of volume.  We're cloudy now.  Free SO2 barely dropped according to today's reading (a surprise), but the pH still shows wildly high (as disappointment).  Have written Musto to see if they know what the pH was at the start - haven't heard back yet.  And i've just ordered some tartaric acid, which should be delivered tomorrow.  

The sample I've tested from has good color and tastes medium acidic, so I'm still puzzled by the pH.  

This article has a formula for raising pH - but using it suggests I'd need a pretty massive dose of tartaric for each carboy.  No way.  So I just gave up and ordered a new pH meter - this time with calibration and storage solutions.  Won't be here until Wednesday.

Meanwhile, I'll make some 10% meta solution and bump the free SO2 to 30 ppm.

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