Sunday, May 11, 2014

The thrillah from Zillah

Thanks, Two Mountain and M&M, for the grapes.  Yummy.  Maybe this is the label we'll use for the little bit that we've bottled for the June party.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Last of the 2013 white, and first of the 2012 red bottled

Mike came over and we bottled the last cb of the 2013 Muscat.  This was the one we had topped off using glass beads rather than other wines.  Worked well - going to clean the beads in a jelly sack in the dishwasher.

I also bottled a 3 gallon batch of the 2012 Merlot so we'll have some recent red for the June new wine party.   While cleaning up I discovered that we have 8 gallons of the 2012 Cab Franc, not the 3 or 5 I imagined.  And we have 14 more gallons of the Merlot.  Going to be a whole lot of blending and bottling going on when we finally get to it.