Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fabu day 1 2011 Muscat

Steve, Mike & Mihai headed to Terminal Market by 8:30 or so and bought 10 lugs of Muscat Alexandria from Mrs. Lapide - 42# each, $43 each.  We also took a wander through TPS for supplies, but didn't buy anything except some more meta. 

Back to the ranch.  Lori was already moving things around, and Colleen soon came over.  We set up out front, same as last year.

We fell into a nice flow, destemming and pressing.  Looks like we have close to 70 liters of juice to ferment.  Steve wanted to take the (still very juicy) pressed grapes and set the up to ferment on their skins outdoors, but just got too pooped to pop.  During the work Danny L came to help, as did Becky & Sienna.  By one or so we were largely cleaned up, and the oven was lit for winemakers' pizzas (and plenty of wine).  Others joined us and lunh rolled on for a few hours.
(Mihai just sent a bunch of pics and I'm inserting this one here...)

2:30 PM - Brix 22.5 (a full Brix higher than last year), Ph 3.59, SO2 about 12.  Added more SO2 in the early / mid evening - am not going to add yeast until the AM.  Then we'll start the battle to keep things cool.

When we headed to Market S was thinking that we'd but the juice into separate carboys that we might be able to set into icewater tubs to keep things cool.  Both engineers, though felt certain we'd have a better shot at cooling if we stayed in a single vessel, so everything is in the 100 liter poly.  I've got a bunch of icepacks ready, and should probably start freezing some plastic milk cartons.

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