Monday, September 26, 2011

2011 Muscat, Day 3

  • Room 74, must 72, Brix 22.  
  • Very effervescent, fermentation has taken hold.  So many bubbles in the juice that it pushed the hydrometer up above 25!  I had to shake the sample for a while to deaden it, and the reading went to 22.5.  I double checked with the refractometer and got 22.
  • Changed ice - am now using bagged cubes and ice packs together - will add more in a few hours.  Will need to start buying bags of ice to keep up, I think.  Temp will be critical by next measure.  And it's going to be warm today - around 80: cellar might go to 76.
  • Room 74, must 72, Brix +20.  
  • Fermentation is starting to sizzle but temp is not.  All of the morning ice was melted: replaced it with 2 1-quart blocks of ice.  Time to ask the team to freeze water-balloons.  
  • Room 75, must 72, Brix 18.
  • Ferm is rocking.  The 2 PM ice is melted and we've replaced it again.  Down 4 Brix in 16 hours.  Whoa, Nelly.  

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