Thursday, September 29, 2011

2011 Muscat, Day 6

  • Room 74, must 72, Brix 9.
  • Still very frothy, happy, sloppy, mucky.
Just a side observation: we put the frozen balloons into gallon freezer bags and these go into the must.  When the ice has melted, the bags are stretched large with gas: does it come from the melting ice, or  is CO2 or something else permeating into the bag from the must or the headspace above it?

Also, email to & from B yesterday: sounds like he's buying his grapes today, and might be posting here about the makings on Staten Island.

  • Room 74.5, must 70, Brix 7.
  • Will be wanting the short scale hydrometer soon.
  • Massive ice infusion delivered by Mihai.

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