Monday, October 20, 2014

2014 Muscat, day 16, Oct 20 2014

All 3 CBs sending up bubbles in a very different way then when they came off the lees, many fewer of them and larger and more distinct than the steady stream of fine bubbles before.  Not enough to move the airlocks.  And the top gallon or so of each CB is starting to clarify - not nearly to the point of seeing through but not so opaque with floating particles as the rest of the wine.

Quick Titrette test, looks like under 15 ppm - want to test the pH before making any addition.  Quick acid test looked off the chart - let's mark that down to early morning user error and try again later.  (Used carboy B for these tests.)

Peace and love in the cellar.  The color change has extended down another four inches in each CB.  Shining a light through the backs of the necks makes a beautiful, hypnotic little show of the bubbles.  Wish you were here.

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