Friday, October 17, 2014

2014 Muscat day 13, Oct 17, 2014

Rereading Iverson this morning, while hanging out with the CBs and having my coffee.
  • Zero Brix usually indicates about 2% remaining residual sugar.
  • Clinitest .2% or .1% is what he considers dry.
  • He changes from airlocks to solid bungs at this point, but also watches for them to pop out, just in case.  (I hate that.  It's happened to us and was why I first picked bought caps.)
  • He comes off the gross lees three to four weeks after dry.
Still very visible but very fine CO2 production in the carboys.  Jugs much less so.  Will pick up fresh Clinitest tablets this weekend.  Follow last year's pattern, or stay longer on the lees?

Evening.  The CB's are popping in the 5 to 8 second range.  The gallons in the mind-wandering +1 minute per pop range.

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