A morning without measurements. All of the cb's are going at their own rates, with the last of them - the one that got the tilted out lees - continuing to go whacky and foul the bubble. Will clean that bubbler one more time, but if it happens again I'll try to draw dome of the must off to the other 2 cbs and see what the wild jimmies do there. Will shoot for an afternoon brix reading.
Bubblers cleaned and burping. |
* 15:30: Cleaned the bubblers of all three cb's - two of them, the first and third, were fouled with yeast & foam. How much CO2 is still getting generated? It took less than a second for the replaced bubblers to start burping. If you click on the image and look at it full-sized you can see all the CO2 bubbles making their way up the side of the glass and into the foam.
For the heck of it I also wedged an icepack between the cb's. I guess that means the middle one gets a double-dose? Maybe I'll arrange then into a triangle.
*23:30: All ditto, looking very good, put some more ice packs between the cb's but did not take their temp or any other readings. All three cb's bubbling strong. Tomorrow might be a good day to further top the cb's and maybe transfer what remains in the gallon to a growler.
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