Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2013 Muscat day 3, Sep 24 2013

* 6:30 AM: Well, not stunning footage, but in any case you can see the active CO2 bubbling at the side of the paddle.  Houston, we have ignition.  Very visible and audible.

Room 70, must 70, brix 21.  The must was so carbonated it took a while to get the brix reading. The paddle was completely melted and I replaced it with a new one plus an ice pack.  Unfortunately I know we won't be around in the afternoon to refresh these, so we might expect to see the temp spike today.  Last year's experience was that when the wine moved from 22 brix to 20 brix the temp moved from 67.5 to 72.  Buckle up.

* 8:00 AM: had a great interaction with one of the Sanitation guys on the block. I was leaving late and they were just about at the house.  I waited so I could apologize for the bags of skins, which were heavy & sloppy.  He asked if they were filled with dirt, and I said No, grape skins from making wine.  Then he told me how he used to be on a route in Dyker Heights and there was one old Italian guy who was a winemaker and who would give hime a bottle each year.  Strong stuff! That's when I pledged mine.  My new friend helped me bring the sacks out of the yard that I was going to hold back until Friday.

* 6:30 PM: Room 70+, Must 70, brix 20, ph 3.38, sulfuric acid 4.32 ppt.
Putting your ear to the tank is like listening to the ocean in a shell if the ocean was made of rice crispies.  Removed the paddle and ice packs - the surface yeast is at that brown viscous coating stage.  Very very happy with where the acid is at - that's exactly what we were aiming for on Sunday night.

* 8:00 PM: No new measurements but we got a fresh ice paddle from Doyle and put it into the must, along with a couple of ice packs.  Should be able to do the same in the morning from our own freezer, and then tomorrow night again from either M&C or Doyle.

Mihai sent a batch of photos from crush-day!  I've posted them in a slideshow over in the right hand column.

And here's a nice comparison against last year.
48 hours into lasy year we'd dropped from 25 brix to 17, and the must was 74 F - we'd really lost control.  48 hours in this year we dropped from 23 to 20, and the must is 70 F.  Mo better, so far.

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