Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2012 Muscat day 4 (Oct 2)

6:00: Room a bit above 69.

Muscat 1 73.5 F, 15 Brix.  Changed the paddles for 2 out of the freezer, and ditto 2 icepacks.  Relieved to see the temp no higher and that we only burned 2 Brix over 9 hours at the highest temp.  Looks healthy.

Muscat 2, now really caking, and look at the temp: 76!  I won't do anything to try to cool it.  There's enough juice to make filling the hydrometer not an ugly chore: 15 Brix - same as it's skinless cousin.  Here's a low-res view of what punching down the whole-grap muscat looks like:

18:00:  Room 71 F.
Muscat 1 73 F and 12 Brix.  The juice is staying warmer than we want, but as cool as we can keep it without the fabulous frozen Mexican water balloons of yesteryear.

Muscat 2 is up to 82 F and we punch it down but do not take any other readings.

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