Thursday, September 19, 2019

And, preparing for the 2019 winemaking

Winemaking day 1 will be Saturday, September 21.  We were hoping to have the same fabulous Sauv Blanc grapes from the Lanza vineyard this year, but it is not to be.  We called Musto about two weeks ago and the grapes weren't in yet, and when we called yesterday to place our order... they were already all sold!

So, to stick to a white from Lanza in Suisun Valley we're going with Muscat Canelli.  Yes, a return to Muscat, which we've made a bunch of times, but this time to the smaller berry Canelli rather than big honkin' Alexandria.  And we'll use Wyeast QA23:
QA23: Often used in terpenic whites, it enhances the aromatic aspects of a grape. In Muscat, QA23 really brings out the floral notes and makes an elegant, fruit focused, aromatic wine.
Sister Karen will be driving the grapes down from Musto - 12 36# lugs.
Gird yourselves.

Weather outlook for winemaking day - clear and a hot high of 85 F.  That's a bit of a drag.  Last year day 1 was September 23 and 20 degrees cooler.  We'll make do.

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