Monday, September 23, 2019

2019 Muscat C., day 3

6:30 AM
Cellar: 76 F
Outside: 70 F
Juice: 76 F
Brix: 22

No bubbler action but louder, more active shaggy surface.  Again, juice is at the ambient temperature of the room.  Drop of 2 Brix if I have it right, - about 8% from 24 hours ago.  Forecast for today is to reach 88 F - versus 66 F for a year ago.  Let's try strapping ice packs to the beast.

9:30 PM
Cellar 80
Outside 70
Juice 80
Brix 22

No measured difference in Brix, and no visual difference in foam.  Too warm!  The outside temp has dropped and tomorrow will be a high of 79 with an overnight low 10 degrees lower.   The heat in the cellar is worrisome - 6 degrees F higher than day 3 last year.  I've strapped icepacks to the fermenter.  

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