Sunday, September 29, 2019

2019 Muscat C., day 9

6:30 AM
Cellar 77 F, outside 71 F, must 79 F
Brix: 0

It's time to move the wine.  Still fizzing, brix readings bouncing around zero.

I have not been checking for acid, pH, SO2, and really want to avoid any fiddling.  Still, since I wanted to look at a sample of the must, I took a quickie.  3.48, a tad high and I will test again before moving the wine to carboys.  If I were a really good person I'd also haul out the acid test chems.  (And after hitting 'publish' I tested pH again with more patience: 3.45.)

Some pics: the hopeful empties getting themselves ready; a sample of the must after it's been sitting a few minutes and you can get a feel for just how much yeast and solids are in it; the slightly too high  pH reading.
Hopeful empties.

Settling.  Lots of gunk.
A more patient reading gave me 3.45.

11:30 AM
Hoot, mon! 

We've moved from the primary fermenter to 5+5+5+5+3, leaving a fair amount of very yeasty must behind.  The transfers of the firs four carboys were silky smooth. I decided that rather than have a completely mucky fifth 5 gallon I'd go into a three, but that did not stop the three from being insanely lee-filled and nearly volcanic.  Pictures below tell the story.  The three gallon carboy was so out of control I decided to stick a wine thief into the stopper to create an extra long chimney for the gassing off.  when it calms I'll go back to the bubbler. 
Racking off of the gross lees.

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