Monday, October 1, 2018

2018 Sauvignon Blanc moved out of primary, day 9

Outside 75 F, humid.
Cellar 74 F.

Sauv. Blanc: 74 F, bouncing between 1.1 and 1.3 Brix.

Time to move the wine out of the primary fermenter.  I had estimated 75 liters, so roughly 19 or 20 gallons, and knew that there were an awful lot of dead yeast and grape solids in there, so... 18 gallons?  Yes! Exactly!  5+5+5+3+1.  Maybe a gallon of swill left behind.

The 5's look great, the three started getting yeasty, and the one is a total beast of solids - don't really know what will become of it.  It almost immediately fouled itself but seems to be behaving now.  I have the 5 and the 1 in a bus tray so if they get sloppy clean-up should be fine.
Family portrait.  19 Gallons of Sauv. Blanc, 12.5 of Syrah,
and some distant cousins in the background

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