Friday, September 28, 2018

2018 Sauv. Blanc & Syrah, day 6

Outside: 62 F, pouring rain.
Cellar: 75 F.

Sauv. Blanc: 78 F and somewhere between 7 and 10 Brix.  Why such a big range?  I wrote a few days ago about how many rising and falling solids and bubbles there are in the sample tube.  I took pics and video this morning to record them.  They physically pushed the initial reading of 7 Brix all the way up to 10 Brix in a matter of minutes.  I'm guessing that 7 is truer, but there's probably now too much alcohol in the juice to get a good refractometer reading as a cross-check.  I guess I could strain the juice and re-measure.  Mmm, next time?
Same sample, a few minutes elapsed.

Syrah: 78 F, nice punch.  Did not take a Brix measure.  Will likely be pressing on Sunday.  I'm beginning to think that we'll be able to use the bladder press in the hatch area of the cellar rather than hailing out the basket press - we'll mostly have free-run juice.

Outside: 64 F.
Cellar: 75 F.

Sauv. Blanc: 78 F, 5 Brix.  Not a great deal of visual change.  Solids in the tube continue to be a wonder.  They seem to form a strata just below the bottom of the hydrometer.  Holding it up?  Unknown.

Syrah: 76 F and 3 Brix on the short scale hydrometer.  We have wine, ladies and gentlemen.  Pressing this weekend for sure.

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