Monday, September 24, 2018

2018 Sauv. Blanc & Syrah, day 2

Room: 74 F, outside 58 F.

Sauv. Blanc: 70 F, thinnest of shags covering the surface but no real action yet or visible or audible bubbling.

Syrah: 68 F, only the slightest lacing of the yeast where it was poured onto the grapes 12 hours ago.  Punched everything lightly to integrate the yeast more and also to feel the consistency of the grapes and understand how much juice had been released. (Pic is prior to punching.)

Did not measure sugar in either.  I'm assuming that the temperature rise do far is just everything moving toward ambient temperature rather than anything chemical happening.

Room 74 F, outside 63 F.

Both wines are softly sizzling.  No delta to sugar levels, but the yeast has taken hold and the fermentation has started.

Sauv. Blanc: 72 F, Brix unchanged by hydrometer @ +25.  Temp has raised by 2 degrees and it's gone to medium shag.  There's a definite fine sizzle when you get your ear in there.

Syrah: 70 F and Brix unmeasured.  Looking at the surface you would not know that anything was happening.  Get your ear in there and you know otherwise.  Punch and you start to get suds.  Go to the videotape!

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