Friday, October 7, 2016

2016 Chardonnay, day 7: long and short

Happens every year.  The long scale hydrometer says we're below 5 and the short scale disagrees.  So, I'm going to call it:

Brix 5, temp 74 F.

Swapped the cooler.  Yeast are in their oozy, sticky state.  CO2 is constant and strong enough that there's no need to transfer to smaller vessels yet.  I made a raucous sound recording of it and will try to post it.

Brix 3.85.

Which is to say that the reading moved from 3.7 to 4 over the few minutes that the short scale hydrometer was in the tube.

Under 5!  Steady pumping of the bubbler has stopped, but still plenty of ferment, heavy yeasts, CO2 production and noise.  Looks like we should move to carboys or whatever the next vessel will be late tomorrow or Sunday.

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