Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Diversion: Ginger beer. Ginger wine?

Yesterday I made ginger beer in the way described by Yvette Van Boven in Home Made - 3 cups water, 3/4 cup demarera sugar, juice of 1 lemon, 1/4 tsp. yeast, 2 inches of ginger grated to a pulp, all into a big PET bottle and 24 hours later the bottle is rock hard with CO2 and you have a delicious ginger fizzy drink.  (I had it with dinner.)

Then I wondered, 'What if I made it with winemaking yeast?'

So, just now:  1 quart water, 3 inches of ginger, 3 1/2 cups demarera sugar, juice of 1 really big lemon, and somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 tsp. Montrechet yeast.  The mixture was 22 brix before adding the yeast - maybe really slightly higher, since some of the sugar might not have dissolved yet.  Let's see what's happened this time tomorrow...

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