Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!
- Room 72 F; Outside 51 F
- Juice 78F; Brix -0.1
Things have gone insanely fast in the main tank. So I'm moving everything to smaller vessels where I can top up and not worry about the lack of a CO2 cover.
The end result is 5+5+5+5+3+1. Each of the fives has been topped up with juice from the original 3 gallon carboy. The 3 and the 1 are pretty darn muddy with the bottom juice of the original vessels. For volume comparison, this is 2.5 gallons more juice than last year, from the same weight of grapes. It's either from the grapes being on the vine for something like 26 days longer this year, or the pretty intense amount of stomping the grapes gt this year - there was an awful lot of free-run juice. Or a combination of both things. Who knows?
Pics are of the boys, and of one of my favorite sites: the intense flow of pinprick CO2 bubbles up the glass walls of a carboy.
Extremely fine bubbles up the sides of the carboys. The 5 gallon CBs are popping about 4 to 5 times a minute. No measurements taken.
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