Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!
- Room 72 F; Outside 51 F
- Juice 78F; Brix -0.1
Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!
Surprise! First bubbler action in the CB, and creepy gaping foam in the primary. Late and sleepy, did not take any measurements, but the smell of fermentation is all through the house.
Cellar 71F, Outside 50 F, juice 66 F. Brix 22 (maybe 22.5) in the primary tank
No surprises. No real sign of fermentation yet, and I'm not expecting any until this evening, and would not worry about there not being any until tomorrow morning.
Just for yucks, I used two different hydrometers for the brix reading. I wanted to test my worry that the older hydrometer's scale has slipped. Verdict: not so much. There was maybe half a brix difference between the two, and of course I couldn't say which was more correct. But the new one has fancy colors, so that's the one I'll use.
Shag, Momma, shag! Might take a temperature or brix reading later this evening, but both vessels have started to ferment. The shag in the primary is deep and bubbled, the CB more pf a stout's priest-collar. Neither is pushing the bubbler, but there's a lot of head-room so I'm not expecting much.
First there is a mountain...
Cellar 73 F, Outside 49 F, juice 70 F. Brix 20.5/23? in the primary tank
OK, pic below is of the priests's collar that's still in the CB. But the shag in the primary that was there at 1800 ... disappeared! In it's place, though, is the fizz of ferm: listen to the audio here. The big brix span I'm listing is because 20.5 is what I first got in the tube, but after leaving that to tend to the tank temp, when I returned to the hydrometer it had hoisted to 23. I think that higher reading was due to the fizz / bubbles lifting the hydrometer in the tube. I trust the low reading.
Tent, sorting table, and all of the small gear up and in place by 7:30 AM. Didn't rain a drop while putting things out, then there was a short wave of pretty heavy rain.
We're sitting pretty. Light rain ending around noon. I think we can be done sorting before then, or mostly so, and bring up the destemmer and press when the rain stops, but your mileage may vary. Tic tic tic
10:15 AM: Sorting well underway. 8 of us out there now.
Well, posting dell off for the 2022 Chardonnay, but it was probably the best wine we've made. I'll try to keep things more up to date for this year's wine. Maybe I'll post some notebook pages to close out 2022.
Harvest is darned late! This will be the lates we've started by at least a couple of weeks. Once again we're going with Chardonnay from the Lanza vineyard in Suissan valley. 12 x 36#. Sister K has already picked it up and is driving down no.
Must has recommended Alchemy 1 yeast. Scott Labs says:
ALCHEMY I is a complementary blend of yeast strains that focus on thiol revelation, thiol conversion, and ester production resulting in intensely fruity wines.