Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A few notes on the cellar setup for the 2010 Muscat

The setup we've been using this year so far is very comfortable. I'd made solid 2x2 foot lids for the red wine primary fermenters, and I'm using these as my working bench for the Muscat.  Digital thermometer with probe, regular and short scale hydrometers, wine thief, hygrometer (just for yucks), camera, notebook, small pail of meta'd water, measuring spoons, paper towels, rag.  In the bus tray, too, is a baggie with ice packs in it - this is how I've been putting the packs into the must.
Down the front end of the cellar is where we've kept the 100 liter Graf poly - by the cellar hatch where we passed the juice down from the press (which was outdoors when we used it for the Muscat and is there to the right in this picture.

Very easy to keep clean this way.  Everything comes to the poly in the bus tray to work, then the bus gets carried back to the slop sink for clean-up.  Been working twice a day this way, 30 to 45 minutes each time.

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