Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cellar prep, decisions

Lori and I have decided on a stainless steel hopper crusher destemmer, with an appropriate stand.  (I nearly swallowed my tongue when Lori started leaning toward stemmer crushers with must pumps...)  Not yet decided on manual or motor - I'm leaning toward manual.  (Aside from the motor, many of the powered versions have screw augers rather than the agitator paddles like we have on our plain crusher.)

B will be making wine on SI, so for sure we'll be moving equipment there and ordering more for 11th St.

Will also order two 32 gallon and one 10 gallon food grade primaries (or look to see if the same can be had locally).  Carboys I'll wait on until I know who else is in and out.

I've set up a 2010 Timing sidebar.  The 18th is out for Lori, so it looks like the September 25th is our crush date.  I've thrown in other dates based on that.  (Track the grapes you want at M&M's harvest pages.  The 11th could turn out to be a better date, though not likely.)  Of course, if our dream comes true and we can get premium grapes dropped shipped here, we'll work whatever date the grapes arrive.

In the cellar...
It's damned crowded and dirty down there.  Spent a part of yesterday cleaning things out.  Will bottle another CB of 2009 Merlot blend today, to make a bit more room.  Need to repaint the floor and the ceiling over the winemaking area.  We'll be calling a plumber tomorrow to see if we can get new valves and a slop sink installed before crush date.

1 comment:

sinequanon said...

Pam and I are in! Let's but the best grapes we possibly can. Purchase enough supplies for us to use also.