Checked the wine for SO2 levels, taste (right on!) and general poking around. The Sauvignon Blanc is settled and clarified enough to be officially transparent rather than translucent. The image at left is shot through the smallest vessel - 1 gallon - and not lit in any way. Hello!
Tested the SO2 level in CB #1 and found it to be somewhere south of 15 ppm. Made a batch of 10% meta solution, and used WineMaker Magazine handy online SO2 calculator. Not taking any temperature of pH readings into account, and shooting for 30 ppm, the calculator came up with an addition of 6 ml 10% solution to every 5 gallons. I took the coward's way out and assumed the Syrah to be at about the same place as the Sauv. Blanc. As the wine had been still since before I racked it off the lees, I'm assuming this addition will have no affect on MLF - it's happened already and come to a happy place or it's going to wake up come the spring (please, No). I didn't do much in the way of agitating the wine to disburse the meta solution: might go back and do that. Refilled all of the bubblers and made sure everything is clean.
And here's a sad note - after testing the SO2 I realized I'd been making an error every time I used Titrets over the last few years. Too embarrassing to go into detail, but it ain't going to happen again.
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