Saturday, December 12, 2015

2015 Muscat, day 87

SO2 at about 20 PPM.  Will have to decide on whether to give a slight boost at racking and then not touch it again, hoping that this will be the last rack before bottling.  Or leave it alone now and test again next week to see what racking did to the wine?

Acid at about .65% tartaric, or 4.16 ppt sulfuric.  Probably slightly higher, but not much, and that puts us just into the bottom of the range we were shooting for.  (Tasting it at 6:30 in the morning on an unwashed tongue I would have guessed higher.)

Color is great.  Nose isn't remarkable.  I think we're somewhere between the very good 2013 and the OK 2014

Put a couple of carboys up on the bench for racking later today.  The thin lees look like they have crystals in them.  We'll know pretty soon.

No measurement of the rosé yet.

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