Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obama Sauvignon

I opened a bottle of the Obama and let both of us breathe a little. It's the most effervescent of the wines we have made--I don't know it that means it's still in play to a greater degree than most of our other wines have been. It's a pretty wine--purple and clear but there's still a distinctive aftertaste that's more agreeable but still a little off the spectrum from what cabernet sauvignon serves up--a fusion if I have to put a name to it of naughahide and Schedule B, 2007 1040 EZ.

1 comment:

LJNDawson said...

I am breathing too. I think it's good - right up my tannin-lovin' palate, although of course young. I am not getting the same aftertaste as B - he's tossing around metaphors like he's at the salad bar, but to me it's rounding out nicely and I think it will age well over the next 3 years or so.