Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 8, 2008

Good fermentation through the day in the two sugared barrels.

Peter has decided not to add sugar, and not to ad S02 - he'll take the chance on spoilage and shoot to pres the same day as the rest.

10:00 PM and the brix is under 1. Tomorrow morning is probably when we want to add the malolactic bacteria. Once the pouch is open, everything should be used the same day. That gives Bernardo, Laura and Peter a bit of time to decide.

When to press?
Sunday, Peter is @ Toto for brunch & Tano for dinner - might have some mid-day hours. B&L? Lori & I will not likely go to Philly (but that can change). Still, and even though it may be MLF time, we might not be quite still.
Monday? Tuesday would be the latest we can go without getting dicey, especially Peter's barrel.


Bernardo said...

It would be much easier for Laura and me to press tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then on Monday.

Great to hear we're down to 1. Did you get a reading last night when the sugar was new? We don't need it--just curious. B

LJNDawson said...

Yes, tomorrow's better - Monday I am on deadline and Tuesday am in the city all day long.

Steve Lewis said...

B - didn't get a reading after adding the sugar - thought about it but figured it would take some time for the sugar to spread through the must.

B&L - I say even if Lori & Peter and I don't have it together to get ours pressed today, let's get yours done while the getting is good. Haven't been down to look at the must yet - will go now...