Strained and sweetened and filtered the liqueurs we're targeting for the June 13 party.
The sage / lemon is a beautiful, clear yellow. Very attractive. Very lemon scented. Really didn't need filtering.
The pistachio was a real hassle. I realized I chopped the nuts too fine when I started it, but decided to go forward anyway. Took only a couple of days to develop into 80% green mud and a little clear-floating alcohol on top. Ran it through a cheesecloth strain first, and squeezed out what I could. Then a paper towel. Then coffee filters. The last stage must have taken an hour and multiple filters, as each would get clogged with nut-dust. And while it all was happening, impatience set in and I added the proscribed amount of syrup without figuring what booze-loss I had because of all the filtering. La. Finished product id a greeny yellow, clear but not sparkling like its sage sibling. Will taste in a month.